
Dear Fellow Patriot,

With state legislatures across the country champing at the bit to pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, it’s time for the Palmetto State to stand strong!

That means pro-gun South Carolinians must do everything possible to stop “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation from becoming law in the Palmetto State!

So please sign your No “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation petition right away to fight back against this scheme!

For Freedom,

Denise Snelling
Palmetto Gun Rights

No “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Petition

To: My Elected Officials

WHEREAS: So-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws violate the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution by allowing confiscation of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens without due process; and

WHEREAS: Already we’re seeing the dangerous repercussions of these laws. In 2018, a Maryland father was shot dead on his doorstep when law enforcement pounded on his door at five in the morning demanding he surrender his legally possessed firearms; and

WHEREAS: By relying solely on baseless accusations and anonymous complaints as “evidence,” this law can be easily abused by violent ex-spouses, stalkers, or criminals who seek to disarm their potential victims, leaving women defenseless to protect themselves and their children; and

WHEREAS: A “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation law in South Carolina would be a grave mistake, one which will put the lives of law-abiding gun owners and law enforcement needlessly at risk to serve a rabid anti-gun political agenda.

THEREFORE: As your constituent, and a proud pro-Second Amendment South Carolinian, I insist you oppose ANY gun control proposals, especially “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation.



Copyright © Palmetto Gun Rights | 4711 Forest Drive, Ste 3 #298 | Columbia, SC 29206

Palmetto Gun Rights is the South Carolina affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, a non-profit organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRS code. Donations are unlimited, but they are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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