
Dear Fellow Patriot,

As it stands in South Carolina, anyone who chooses to carry a gun to defend themselves against armed thugs and rapists can be fined $1000 and thrown in jail for up to a year if they don’t first get government permission.

Unfortunately, eight so-called “Republicans” in the Senate support this gun control status quo and voted down Constitutional Carry last year.

But with Constitutional Carry still alive and needing just two more procedural votes to pass the Senate and be signed into law, you can bet that the political establishment in Columbia are working around the clock to KILL this important pro-gun legislation.

We must rally together and show lawmakers the political consequences for breaking their campaign promises to gun owners and finally restore our gun rights in South Carolina.

You can help us hold them accountable by signing your Constitutional Carry petition and giving a generous donation of $90, $60, or at least $30 today!

For Freedom,

Denise Snelling
Palmetto Gun Rights

Constitutional Carry Petition

To My Elected Officials

WHEREAS: The right of the people to keep and bear arms is protected by the United States Constitution and the South Carolina Constitution; and

WHEREAS: These constitutional protections are not just about hunting or target shooting, but were designed to protect the right to defend one’s self and one’s loved ones; and

WHEREAS: Requiring law-abiding citizens to ask government permission through the permit system before they can exercise their constitutional right to bear arms is a clear violation of that right.

THEREFORE: I respectfully urge you as my elected official to publicly support, co-sponsor, and vote for Constitutional Carry in South Carolina. Palmetto Gun Rights will keep me informed about your votes and actions.



Copyright © Palmetto Gun Rights | 4711 Forest Drive, Ste 3 #298 | Columbia, SC 29206

Palmetto Gun Rights is the South Carolina affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, a non-profit organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRS code. Donations are unlimited, but they are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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